Palm Pixi Now Official, Coming to Sprint For the Holidays

palm_pixiThe other webOS phone from Palm, oft rumored Palm Pixi (originally spelled Pixie), has been officially announced, and it’s coming to Sprint “in time for the holidays.”

The device is the thinnest phone Palm has ever produced; just like the Pre, it also has a full QWERTY keyboard, but in a candy bar body. Other specifications include 8GB of onboard storage, a 2 megapixel camera equipped with flash, a 2.63 inch capacitive display with a 320×400 pixel resolution, and…no WiFi.

It’ll also come in many different colors and designs as part of something called the Palm Pixi Artist Series, which will offer a selection of limited-edition back covers for the device. As far as price goes, since Pixi is Pre’s younger brother, it’ll probably be lower than $149.99 which is how much Sprint is currently asking for the Pre.